You are a poor humanoid who are trapped in the evil face's fortress.
This giant fortress is made of harzadous electric walls, and The evil face and his guard bots are chasing you.
you must escape this horrible place with a laser pistol. but nobody knows if there's actually an exit...
D-pad : move
D-pad while holding O or X button : shoot laser pistol.
Option instruction

extra life : gives an extra life every time your score exceeds the assigned point.

evil face : when evil face is smiling, he will appear in the game and chase you. when frowning, he won't appear in the game.

start difficulty : the difficulty level at the start of the game.

max difficulty : the highest difficulty level allowed in the game.

robot AI : In Classic mode, robots always shoot at you ignoring the walls and can collide each other.
in Improved mode, robots don't shoot when there's a wall between them and you and they won't collide each other when there are less than 4 robots.

Special thanks to Alan McNeil for making one of my favorite arcade game - Berzerk.

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