ZEPTON is a 2d voxel shmup by REZ.
You have to survive as long as possible to an always increasing number of enemies.
how to play
on title screen, use ZX, CV or NM to start a new game.
to pause game and access option menu, press P or return.
key control:
-> arrows: move your spaceship (you can invert y-axis in the pause menu)
-> ZCN: launch missile (if the target 'lock' is red, the missile will go automatically on it)
-> XVM: fire bullets (your bullets will hit something if the target is red)
-> Z+X C+V N+M: ©LASER BEAM OF DOOM (pump spaceship energy, do not abuse!)
mouse control:
-> cursor move: move your spaceship
-> left button: fire bullets
-> right button: launch missile
-> left+right button: ©LASER BEAM OF DOOM
1.0 released!:
-> added bonuses! the blue one increase your energy by 10 points, and the red
one (known as ©SUDDEN_DEATH) kill instantly all enemies on screen!
-> a lot more code optimizations, the voxel farplane was increased a bit.
0.9.2 update:
-> a brand new and deadly weapon! the mighty ©LASER BEAM OF DOOM
-> full mouse support! now you can get rid of the keyboard to play
-> even more code optimizations, now the game run mostly at 60fps!
0.9.1 update:
-> you can be a real pilot and choose to invert y-axis (option in the pause menu)
-> code size and speed optimizations (i removed almost all COLOR() calls!)
there is some tokens free, i will try to add some feature later if possible.
feel free to report me any bugs!
License: -