You Are Beach Sign Cop 1.0
by Phobos001
Mike And Mia Beach Day
Baby Hazel At Beach
Summer beach spa day
Gravity Kid
Summer Beach Girl
Baby Hazel Beach Party
Mini Summer Vacation
Doll Beach Bronze Prep
Beach Volley Ball Jigsaw
Summer Beach Slide
Beach Jigsaw
Beach Run
Beach Connect Mahjong
Tris Beachwear Dolly Dress Up H5
Bff Spring Beach Holiday
Tropical Princess and Princess Rosehip Sew Swimwear
Ellie Beach Proposal
Overcast and Light Rain
Love Horoscope For Princesses
Summer Match Party
Vacay Volley
Defend The Beach
Glamour BeachLife
Beach Crazy
Summer Beach Differences
Princess Surprise Date
Ellie Private Beach
Princess Fashion Summer Swimsuit
Beach House Cleaning
Beach Back Spa salon
Mia Beach Spa
Superhero Violet Summer Excursion
Beach Volley
Princess Kawaii Swimwear
Mini Ex Machina
Meta Tic-Tac-Toe
Scraps Logic
Forest Road Scene
Advent Mahjong
Family Farm
1010 No Danger
Rugby Kicks Game
You Are Beach Sign Cop 1.0
You are Beach Sign Cop! Your goal is to remove any rule-breaking beach-goers from the beach so that the occupancy does not go over the limit.
This is my first published PICO-8 game, I created it for Ludum Dare 54 so I can better learn how to make games with it. I hope you all like it! Included on Tab D is a Rust program that I wrote during the compo that encodes images into a lua table that can be decoded and drawn later. It's not perfect (probably should have it as a string so it doesn't eat up all the tokens :L ) but it got the job done for the compo.
Have fun! Please leave feedback if you can :D
Ludum Dare Page: https:ldjam.comeventsludum-dare54you-are-beach-cop-sign