Yet Another Piconoid

Hello fellow Pico-8 fans
It's still a work in progress, but thought folks could check it out and have more fun. Thanks to @Krystman and LazyDevs for getting me up to speed with Pico-8. More acknowledgements below. But thought I'd start out with some early thanks :)
How to play the game
X - Launch Ball
C - Launch Bomb (need to gain them with bomb powerup)
Left - Move Paddle Left
Right - Move Paddle Right
When in the Piconoid start screen
Left - Show Highscores
Right - Hide Highscores
UpDown - Level select (I opted to add this feature to have fun with the different levels)
Goal is to hit the bricks, and clear them all before advancing to the next level. There are 9 levels (more to come).

The original power ups from breakout hero are there AND I added a few more power ups.
New Powerups...
Lazor - Hit Z to shoot!
Multipaddle - A new paddle will appear on top of the existing one
Bomb - Hit Z to send off a bomb vertically. These can destroy invincible bricks
Bomb ball - changes bricks into exploding bricks
Powerup ball - changes bricks into powerup bricks
There are four backgrounds
New Update

New Powerup - Powerup Ball - changes bricks into powerup bricks
UpdatedNew Levels - Jelpi, Pico8s, Maze, Core, Metroid, Buttonz, Heart, Evil Eye, Facey
Updates to the graphics and soundfx
Fixed bugs

Another Update

Added banana power up... my daughter's idea :)

Makes the ball go faster and unpredictable angles

Added paddle ram check
Added clip so that you can see the ball behind sash
Level select menu on start screen

Finally, again a HUGE thanks to LazyDevs for putting out the Breakout Hero tutorials. I wouldn't have made it this far this quickly without them. And Huge thanks to the community for a whole lot of other tips and tricks.
Any feedback and comments about the game, gameplay, the code, e

License: -

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