warehouse panic

Here's my entry for ludum dare 40.
Every 4 hours youe phone will ring and you can command and sell crates of goods.
Everyday the taxcollector will send you an email claming money before midnight.
Try to reach day 7 if you can :)
LD page : https:ldjam.comeventsludum-dare40warehouse-panic
--- CONTROL ---
<cursor> move
<z> grabdrop one crate
<x> grabdrop all crates you can
You have a strength limit that affect the number of crates you can lift or the maximum size of columns
Increase your strength by purchasing offers on email
You also have a stamina bar :

you won't be able to use 'grab all' command while you re under 50%
you re slowed by 50% when you're stamina is under 25%
Go to bed to gain some stamina back

They will eat salads and fruits
You can get rid of them with a cat or by chasing them around until they leave on a truck.
you will loose the game if :

you make a truck driver wait for too long
you don't pay your tax before midnight

License: -

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