Vic's Tower

A game about a blob-thing called 'Vic' who wants to climb a tower for some reason. Wrap around the screen the screen and collect powerups as you climb the endless tower. Also, all of the platforms are jump-through.
The powerups:
---Extra Vic: If you fall, the Extra Vic can send you to the top of the screen for a second chance.
---Rocket Shoes: The Rocket Shoes can send you flying really high. Useful for saving throws.
---Stopwatch: Stop the autoscroll for a few seconds.
Vic can only hold one powerup at a time, and collecting another one will replace whatever one he had before. They're activated with [x], and are consumed after use.
This is an old project of mine from 2005, which I previously submitted under the name Rogue Tower. I worked on it for a while, listening to feedback along the way, but I burned out eventually and lost my enthusiasm for the project. Although I did add to it now and then, I pretty much forgot about the project the rest of the time, focusing on other stuff.
It's not 100% finished, but it's finished enough that I can ship this and get it out of my system. That's not to say I don't care about Vic's Tower; I just wanted to resolve some unfinished business before I return to Pico-8 proper.
Changes from Rogue Tower:
---Visual touches
---Title Screen
---A bird appears now and then. It was originally going to be a hazard, but I'm too tired.
---The random generator spawns wide blocks as well now, though sometimes a narrow block will spawn over it.
---New premade layouts.
---[x] is used for powerups, rather than as a suicide button.
---The other powerups actually work now, of course.
---New sounds for the Stopwatch powerup.
---The wrapping system is improved.

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