Unfinished Cat Platformer

Hello again.
I started this thing almost a year ago as a passion project when I was out of work. It is full of clever things. I was so proud about all the clever things. It has parallax background scrolling. It stores a bunch of game data RLE-encoded in the spritesheet and as garbage strings in the code. It's doing all this hot-swapping of sprites into the spritesheet as the game needs them.
I haven't worked on it in like 6 months and I don't think I will again, so here it is! You can collect these marshmallowy looking stars and run around in the first 'level', which is more like a bunch of test platforms just seeing what could be accomplished. There was supposed to be a cutscene at the start and the sprites still exist in the code for that, but in this version you just get dumped right into the level.
If you edit LEVEL=1 to say LEVEL=2 in the code you'll get an alternate (and very basic) level with different art.
I wanted to write music for it and I figured something out on piano and transcribed it in but it's like the very first revision of it and apologies if it's annoying!

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