Ultimate Odyssey 1.7

Ultimate Odyssey is an adventure exploration game where you take on the role of a destined hero to rid the lands of a darkness falling over it. Creatures are getting vicious and attacking people. Pirates have taken over the waters. And there are even reports of the dead rising from their graves. Can you find the source of the deadly incursion and put a stop to it?
How to play
There are three main modes of play: interacting, traveling, and fighting.
When you interact with people, or have choices to make, you'll be presented with a dialogue box with options. Use the arrow keys to highlight and select the option you want and press the Z or X button to confirm.
While being shown the map of the world, you can travel around it using the arrow keys. You can use the z key to switch between holding your sword and your bow, depending on how you want to be prepared for any fights that come along. You can use the x key to see your hero's current status.
Sometimes, you will be attacked and need to defend yourself! Combat is turn-based in this game. When it's your turn, you can move using the arrow keys. Running into an enemy will cause you to attack them.
As while traveling, you can use the z key to switch weapons, but watch out - switching weapons takes time, and gives the enemy a chance to take a turn!
You can also use the x key to bring up a list of special moves:

Attack with a bow. Allows you to attack an enemy at range. When you select this, a targeting reticle will appear. Use the arrow keys to move it to the target you want to fire an arrow at and press x to fire or z to cancel. Only available if you are currently wielding your bow and you have at least one arrow. Some terrain blocks your ability to attack enemies; when you have a valid target, the reticle turns green.
Precise attack. Raises the chance to hit on your next attack. Useful when you're having a hard time hitting the e

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