TRX (The Definitive Edition)

NEW FEATURES (with helpful suggests by vNakamura) 10-22-16
^O## (outline color, 0-15)
^D# (delay, 0=none, 1=fast, 9=slow)
^P (pause with flashing cursor, wait for any keystroke)

Well hello there ! I bet you thought I fell in an open manhole or something. No such luck !
As it is, I want to share with you a lovely routine I have always written called TRX, which stands for Transmission X.
The term 'Transmission X' comes from many years ago when i saw a B&W episode of Flash Gordon starring Buster Crabbe.

In one episode he mentions to Dale (his sweetheart) that he was going to send a 'Transmission X' to an alien planet - and the music took a serious tone after he said this.
Dale asked innocently enough, 'What does the X stand for ?'
Buster gave her a funny look. It was almost as if she forgot her lines or was ad-libbing, but he quickly responded to her,
'It means everything.'
And that seemed to satisfy her. Or so it seemed. Since that time, the term and his definition of it stuck with me. 'Transmission X.' 'it can do everything.'
Later when I got into busy programming, i thought - why not make a routine, my own special 'Transmission X' that does, well, just as Flash Gordon said, pretty well everything?
And I did, later shortening the name from 'Transmit-X' to TRX.
There were a few other names I gave it. TR8, for instance, where everything was 8x8 pixels, but TRX I like that name the most and is what I use now.
And what YOU have here is a routine I oft write in any programming language I start out in when I want a strong text and image handler that works entirely and only with strings.
Full instructions are included. Lots of carrots. :)
I hope you find it useful for your own code and programs, and if you have some suggestions on what you'd like to see added to it, lemme know. If I can find my way around it, I'll do it for ya.

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