Trifill Thunderdome

EDIT3: round 2 -- with updated algorithms, methodology, and results
EDIT2: added Catatafish's method -- we have a new champion!!
EDIT: added solar's method.
EatMoreCheese's thread about triangle rasterizers got me thinking about the different 'trifill' methods that have been posted to the BBSand so, in the spirit of the holiday season, I wrote a small profiler to pit them against each other in a brutal, winner-takes-all competition.
Methodology: I measure the time it takes for each routine to draw the same table of 300 randomly-generated triangles ten times over. Vertex extents are in the range [-50, 178].
CAVEATS: This is not an 'apples-to-apples' comparison, or even apples-to-genetically-modified-oranges. For example, scgrn's method draws n-gons (not just triangles) and creamdog's method draws particularly chunky triangles. For personal edification onlyno code-shaming intended!

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