
Treefella is a Pico-8 game inspired by the mechanics of the NES side-scrolling brawler, Kung Fu.
Development log
Treefella's development was documented in a series of YouTube videos, which can be viewed in this playlist.
You can also just watch the summary retrospective video below!

←→ - Walk left or right
↓ - Crouch
↑ - Toggle overdrive mode
O (ZC keys)- Punch, or throw a wide fireball when in overdrive mode
X (XV keys) - Kick, or throw a split fireball when in overdrive mode
How to Play
As you walk through a level, enemies will appear on screen and try to make contact with you. In order to protect yourself, attack the enemies before they get too close.

If the enemies touch you, you will gradually lose health until you die. Dying will force you to start the level over again.

If the enemies are touching you, button mash to break out of their hug of death!

Before clearing a level, you will also encounter a boss. Bosses have a health bar, and can take multiple hits. Reducing the boss' health bar to zero will allow you to proceed to the next level.

Clear all three levels, and you'll reach the end of the game!
Normal attacks
Use the attack buttons to punch or kick. You can also punch or kick when crouching. Some enemies can only be hit when crouching, others can only be hit when standing normally.

The closer an enemy is when you hit them, the more your overdrive meter will charge. If you see a plus sign (+) when you hit an enemy, your meter charged a little. If you see a star sign (★) when you hit an enemy, your meter charged a lot.
You can enable overdrive mode by tapping the Up arrow key, and disable it by tapping the Up arrow key again.

While in overdrive mode, your attacks will be fireballs instead of punches and kicks. Fireballs extend to the full length of the screen. There are two types of fireball:

Wide Fi

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