Train Journey

Train Journey
You wake up on an empty train. None of its stops are your own. How will you get home...?
Train Journey is a 16-cartridge PICO-8 game (the maximum size) about a mysterious train to which the player is seemingly bound. Travel between stops, meet unique characters, and learn their stories. Can you free yourself and return home? Or will you ride the train forever...?
[XV]: Use Shooty (an unlockable item)
Enter: Pause
Left & Right Arrow Keys: Movement
Up Arrow Key: Interact & Shooty Up
Down Arrow Key+[XV]: Use Shovel
The game is also compatible with most controllers.
Due to the way I used PICO-8 to make this game, and as a result of the level layout, you are unable to save in any 'train stop' level. The game can only be saved in the train (when the screen flashes 'game saved'). Note that the candle checkpoints are only checkpoints! You will not start at the checkpoint if you restart the game, so I'd recommend playing one level at a time, when you have the time to beat a whole level in a single sitting.
Note that there may be some bugs still left in, so please let me know if you spot any! (I really need some variation in my cockroach stew I'm making)
I'll be releasing the whole soundtrack on my YouTube Channel, so go check it out if you want!
Even if you're not interested in playing, thank you so much for checking out this game!
And if you are interested in the game, you can check out its page!
(Ok, also a disclaimer, I spent a couple hours modifying these 16 cartridges and making it so that it works when uploaded to the BBS, so I may have made a mistake while doing that. Please let me know if you encounter any issues with loading into new areas. And due to how tedious it is to make it work in the BBS, this version of the game probably won't receive as frequent of bugfixes as the version on

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