
It's time for Toboggoban! A Sokoban-variant featuring wintery vibes and sliding toboggans.
This game was made for the 2019 Advent Calendar - check it out for a bunch of other wintery content from other developers, gradually unlocking throughout December 2019!
Arrows: Move
Z: Undo
X: Reset level

Awkward special note: This game uses a music track supplied by Gruber, but it plays a version of his song which I modified to be less melodic (for a less-distracting puzzle-solving backdrop). My edited version isn't as good as the original song, so if you don't like the gameplay music, don't go blaming it on Gruber (check his profile - his work is A++). His original track plays during the final cutscene, so if you beat the game, you get to hear it properly!

License: -

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