TinyRogue for Thumby v1.0

Decided to use Pico8 to lay down the initial design work for an RPG designed for the Thumby which runs using the RP2040 chip. This means I have 264kb (actually probably 232kb) RAM to work with, about 1.5mb of disk space, and a 72x40 screen. So I restricted the display area and made use of poking in an 8x8 font to simulate a lot of the final look of the game.
Version 0.1a is just about pre-alpha, as you have an endless dungeon to explore (max size 10x10) but no victory condition quite yet. There is still a few bits and pieces to finish off, code to tidy up but it's coming along.
Version 0.2a is now pre-alpha. Added in graphical updates, hooked in most abilities, added in some more user feedback, balancing is faaaar from done yet. There are likely still be be some bugs floating around as I haven't gone through a complete bug test yet.
Version 0.3b is now beta. Should be feature complete (and down to about 120kb), winloss conditions, all abilities in and coded. Slowly starting to work on balancing the game now and completing the last tweaks.
Version 0.4b is getting close to final build. Fixes up some more bugs, added new 'dodge' passive ability, tweaked some things for balancing, added in list of enemies at the start of a fight.
Version 0.5b is pretty much the final build. Balancing is basically complete, audio (a single beep) has been added, finished off modding support (for Pico8 requires editing load_data section). All that's really left to do is refactoring the code to improve the structure of it rather than any other major changes.
Version 0.6b added might passive ability and tweaked a player to go with that. Found a few bugs which I've fixed (such as monster movement, monsters not casting spells etc). Last big change was refactoring the code to streamline some things. Code is still a bit messy but way better than it was before overall. Now on final testing before porting.
Version 1.0 made last few tweaks to the game before release<

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