The Violet Signal - A Boss Only SHMUP

Deep Within the Void
Cold and Alone
All that is Left
The Violet Signal
Hint: To skip the intro hold z+x, but c'mon, give it a watch!

The Violet Signal
A Boss Only SHMUP
A Pico-8 Game made by Jesse Bergerstock @illMadeCoder 2016
Locate The Violet Signal by triangulating signal and overcoming a space horror at each node!
About The Game
Hello Pico-8 forum, this is the first game I've moved from zero to complete after years of of making half games in Unity, I managed to get through it in the simple Pico-8 engine.
This project took my approximately three months off and on to complete, going into it with no other pico-8 experience. A successful summer project.
I think for the most part the game speaks for itself, controls are located at the bottom of the title screen. The game itself consists of three separate stages, which are all boss fights in the traditional sense.
If you'd like to help with development let me know if any of the bosses gave you a particularly hard or easy time! Each stage is inspired by some of the major SHMUP subgenres and it has been tricky to balance.
I want to thank a few people who helped with the development of this game:
@lexaloffle - For Pico-8!
@morningtoast - For a load of super valuable feedback on shmups!
@NoelFB - For introducing me to the power of Pico-8 through Celeste, and some encouraging words on twitter!
@gruber_music - For advice on music which will surely help with future projects! I had to learn music from scratch for this.
@impbox - For programming advice (specifically removal of tokens) and encouragement!
@krajzeg - For Pico-8 games to website advice. Made the playtesting a lot easier once I learned how to get my game on privately.
@thataintfalco - For the unparalleled amount of playtesting and encouragement. He must have played the game around as much as I have over the last few months.
@WazpRanger - For many years of

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