The story of Destructopillar

The story of Destructopillar
How to play
Use leftright to control your snake
Action button will use a boost to shoot your snake across the board (hit it again to stop)
Each segment of your snake is a weapon! Your weapons will automatically attack enemies, so all you have to do is control Destructopillar to crush buildings and avoid damage. If a segment takes too much damage, it will die. If your snake gets hit in the head, you lose a heart. Lose all your hearts and game over.
As you destroy buildings, your power meter will fill up. When it gets full, a piece of fruit will appear. Run over the fruit to add a new segment to your snake. The type of fruit will determine the weapon of the segment.
Pear: Machine gun, attacks air & ground targets
Blueberry: Laser, attacks air targets only
Orange: Flamethrower, attacks ground targets only
Cherry: Heals all segments
If you manage to collect 3 of the same fruit in a row, those segments will combine to create a powered-up segment with a stronger weapon.
After you reach the goal of each level, an exit will open up on one side of the map. Just find it and enter to advance. This game is endless. I never got around to make a boss battle or anything like that...but levels do get bigger and get more enemies as you go.
But wait, there's more!
After I had fixed Destructopillar, I discovered another cart that was half-done that was also labeled as Destructopillar! I loaded the cart thinking it was just another copy of the other game but found it was pretty different. Lets call it Destructopillar Alpha.
Destructopillar Alpha
The concept of being a snake that destroys towns was the same but some of the gameplay aspects were different. Like progressing based on people killed rather than just destruction. The pacing is a lot slower and the weapons & enemies are different. But in Alpha you can re-order your snake segments to match colors but the speed boost feature is not there. There are al