The Snowman (Walking in the Air)

The Snowman (Walking in the Air)
This is a little animationtranscription of Walking in the Air from 'The Snowman,' an animated film from 1982 that I must have first seen in about 1987 or so. I recently watched this film again and it left a really strong impression on me, and I felt I had to make this little PICO-8 cart celebrating it.
Update 1-1-19:
Happy New Year! I made a few more improvements to the karaoke animation so the text scrolls more smoothly, the currently sung line is highlighted by a drop shadow as the ball slides across it. After more testing it looks like the code for tracking elapsed ticks is working great on all platforms. (except if you navigate away from PICO-8, there seem to be issues but it appears to affect other carts too not just mine?)
Update 12-31-18:
I added a karaoke style animation above the syllables of the words, and scroll the text so it is easy to sing along with. This was a little tricky to get working. I used stat(24) and stat(26) and associated ticks values with syllables, but it does not perfectly advance in lockstep to the 30 fps update so I had to fudge things a bit. But it now seems to be working well on Windows and on Mac, we'll see how well it does on web.
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