The Remains of El Dorado

Explore the lost city. Find the amulet.
The Remains of El Dorado is a roguelike game for PICO-8. You're seeking The Amulet of the Sun which will bring you great fame and fortune... if you survive.
Press C to charge a shot, press a direction while charged to shoot. Press X to enter the potion menu. Select a potion by pressing left and right, and press C to confirm. Aim your throw with the direction keys, and press C to throw the potion. Careful! Potions will explode on contact with a wall.

Remains is turn based. When you're in a tough situation don't forget to slow down and think about all of your options. Don't die with a potion in your pocket!
Potions are thrown around like grenades! On impact they will affect everything standing in the square they hit plus the 8 squares surrounding it.
Healing potions heal you if you're in the explosion. Enemies are unaffected. They also put out fires in the blast zone.
Fire potions are useful for attacking groups of enemies. They don't put out fires. The fire ants are immune to fire potions.
Ice potions are slightly harder to find than fire potions, but work on all types of enemies and put out fires.
Three types of enemies inhabit the dungeon and will defend their turf.


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