The Panspermia Guy

Spread life! The universe needs you
But watch out for life-hating spider-droids!
Create seeds from bio samples and shoot them out into the universe. The more seeds you shoot, the more score you'll get, and the more the universe will come alive.
It's not a hospitable place though, the wilderness is not evil yet still dangerous. There are other lifeforms out there too. Some tolerate you just enough to maybe meet some common goal, while others hate your life-spreading mission and will hunt you down as soon as you reveal your position.
Arrows - Movement
O - Ship actions, samplingshowing sample case
X - Run fasteruse tool

Procedurally generated planets
Progress and highscore persists
20-30 minute game sessions
Random events
Universe comes alive from your hard work

https:en.wikipedia.orgwikiPanspermia (SFW)

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