The Orb

You are trapped in a dark cave, yet you give off some light like other orbs around you. You must escape, but you don't know how......Find your way to the Orb to escape!
After 120+ hours of work, painstaking attention to detail, and level design, I present to you The Orb!
With 30+ sectors, well over 100 orbs, and 15 sprites, The Orb truly is my largest and best game. I worked so hard on this and am so happy how it turned out. If you like it, I would appreciate a love :)
Instructions [Important!]
[wasd], Arrow Keys, or mouse to move.
Get to the edge of the screen to move over in any direction.
[P] to pause [Not that you need it really]
To cheat if you are stuck, press [i] and [o] together to reveal the passageways.
If you think you could fit an orb in a solid area, there probably is a secret area! Always check!
There are a lot of secrets in this game, as in hidden passageways, things that change, etc.
Make sure you check every w

(CC BY-SA 2.0)

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