
Is it Tetris, or maybe chess? Kind of both, but actually neither. Nonetheless, this is a game about strategy and sacrifice, borrowing notes from both Tetris and chess.
Tetrachess is a puzzle game in which your goal is to capture the AI opponent's chess pieces using your own chess pieces, following chess rules. However, the board is not like in chess at all. You have to drop Tetris blocks (tetriminos) containing the opposing chess pieces to the playfield. After you have dropped a tetrimino, it's time to move your chess pieces. You can capture the opposing chess pieces, earning you points, or you can eat the garbage blocks, cleaning up the playfield. After your own turn, the opponent moves their own chess pieces, potentially capturing yours.
Capturing the opposing pieces is required for getting points, but in this game it's also important to keep the playfield clean, in order to not reach the top. This is because there are two conditions for a defeat: if the Tetris blocks reach the top of the playfield, or if your king gets captured.
In Tetris phase:

Leftright: move the piece leftright
CrossCircle (XZ): rotate the piece clockwisecounter clockwise
Up: Hard drop
Down: Soft drop

In chess phase:

Leftrightupdown: move the reticle
X: choose the chess piece to be moved and after moving it to the target, press again to move the piece


Two of the bottom rows are safe. This means that you can't destroy them with Tetris moves. Be careful, as on the other rows you can even destroy your own chess pieces!
Like in chess, you can promote your pawns into a more valuable chess pieces (knight, bishop, rook, king, queen) if you get them high enough on the board. In this game, you can even have multiple kings on the playfield (could be useful just in case your previous king dies, I guess).
You can clear a line by filling the last spot with a chess move. Completely empty rows will be deleted and everything on t

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