Switch Block Dungeon Mega Thread

Update V0.8
V0.8 Admittedly progress has been slow. Making new levels and rooms that feel new at this point is challenging. On top of that school is now in session and I have significantly less free time to work on this game. I still plan on finishing this game but things will be much slower so be patient. Overall the coding portion of the game is done besides some small things here and there. I have recently hit the memory limit for Pico-8 so don't expect any new features from this point on. Most of the development past now is level polish and balance changes. V0.8 also has notable lag spikes at certain points, I am aware of this but have very few ideas on how to fix this. The two main sources of lag are the brick background drawing and the torch drawing code. Both take up huge amounts of memory for Pico-8 and make the game run below 60 fps some times. But ill figure something out I'm sure. In the mean time enjoy the first half of the spring section and look forward to the updated timer in the next update.
New Additions for V0.8:

Fully implemented springs
New intro cutscene at beginning
New firework effect at end screen
Updated room appearances
New Spring section (WIP)
Various balance changes
In game timer dispaly (WIP)
New Menu options

FPS display toggle
New grey scale pallet swap
Dev mode (WIP)
Reset player

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