Super Mario Bros. (Authentic)

Super Mario Bros. (Authentic)
Uncompressed Source Code: https:paste.eep5KOG5 (warning: it's pretty gross)
Late last year (2017) I started work on a port of Super Mario Bros [NES] to Pico-8. The goal was to be authentic as possible to the original game, while working within the Pico-8 limitations. Something like Super Mario Bros Deluxe [GBC] (https:www.mariowiki.comSuper_Mario_Bros._Deluxe).
In the end I was able to get 1-1 and 1-2 mostly complete before starting to hit serious memory limits which make it seem near impossible to ship the full game.
With that in mind, I'm releasing it as-is for now so that people can check it out and see where it was headed.
If you are curious, the biggest factor for memory is the level data which is quite huge. At some point I'd like to document how my level authoring process worked, but for now you can check out this twitter thread of me slowly wittling down the level data size:
Update: I have managed to squeeze in all for World 1 now!
Music by: https:twitter.comgruber_music