Star Trek conversion of the 1978 game

Star Trek txt game ported to PICO-8
I'm finally happy to post the final release of my adaptation to PICO-8 of the 1978 game 'Super Star Trek'. The original game was written by Bob Leedom and David Ahl and published in the book BASIC COMPUTER GAMES - Microcomputer Edition. It was an early example of a space turn-based strategy game, and it was entirely text-based.
The original game was based on a CLI and text parser. This version is entirely based on a graphic user interface and can be controlled with the PICO-8 buttons, so it's a big change. But I'm very happy because I kept most of the original gameplay and mechanics intact. At the same time, I added music and animations. Besides, it's my first PICO-8 game!
How to play

use ⬅️➡️ to select a command, and ?️ to confirm. Normally ❎ cancels a command.
your goal is to destroy all Klingons before time is over. Time passes when you warp to a new sector;
you start in a random sector. There are 64 of them divided into an 8x8 grid;
first of all, use the long-range sensor scans (LRS) to see if there are Klingons in the surrounding sectors - unless you start the game in a sector with Klingons, in this case, you can attack directly (see later);
with LRS, you will see a number for each sector. The first digit is the number of Klingon ships, the second the number of starbases, and the third the number of stars. Eg '205' means there are 2 enemy ships;
if you have identified a sector with Klingons, use WRP to see the map and select the sector you want to jump, then press Z to go there;
before attacking, you need to raise your shields. Use SHE to divert energy to shields; a value such as 500 should be fine;
if there is only one ship, it's a good idea to use photon torpedoes because they don't consume energy. You will have to select the torpedo course;
if there are multiple targets, select the phasers. Select the energy you want to use for the phasers and fire. Phasers attack

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