Star Raiders (Atari 400800 demake)

This is a demake of the classic Atari 400800 game Star Raiders. It is intended to be as faithful as possible while making some improvements.
You are the pilot of Star Cruiser 7, protector of the galaxy. A fleet of enemy Zylon fighters has intruded the galaxy, bent on destroying all of the peaceful space stations you are entrusted to protect. Your goal is to hunt down squadrons of enemy fighters and destroy them.
Both the keyboard and the gamepad are used to control Star Cruiser 7.
O (z): Select difficulty mode on the title screen. Default is 'novice,' followed by 'pilot,' 'warrior,' and 'commander.'
X: Start game, and fire photon torpedos.
Arrowsdpad: Steer the ship through space.
0-9: Set sub-warp impulse engine velocity.
S: Activate shields.
A: Aft view.
F: Fore view.
G: Galactic chart for selecting hyperwarp destination.
H: Engage hyperwarp engines.
K: Activate attack computer.
T: Activate targeting computer.
M: Manual target select.
L: Long range sector scan.
When the game starts, you will be by yourself in an empty sector of the galaxy. Watch out for asteroids! They are everywhere. You can shoot them before they strike your ship. It is a good idea to turn on your shields! However, be aware this will use up your energy a little faster.

The first thing you should do is view the galactic chart. Hit 'G' to view it:

The glowing dot is your location in the galaxy. Use the dpad to move around the hyperwarp target destination dot. Once you have selected a destination, hit 'F' for fore view and then hit 'H' to engage hyperwarp. If you are in the 'novice' difficulty mode, you will simply warp to your target destination. At higher difficulty modes, you must keep the ship steady in hyperspace by continuously centering the reticle with the arrowsdpad:

If you successfully pilot Star Cruiser 7 through hyperspace to your target destination, you will get a f

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