
Made for Mini Jam 108. We started a day late and finished a day late. Standard PICO-8 controls. Z is select. X is back. Arrow keys move the selection.
It's can be hard for a lone hermit crab to survive in the wild. Luckily, this hermit has a giant sword! Chose between 9 action cards to defend yourself from predators!
Movement Cards (Green)

Move - Move one tile in any direction
Jump - Jump over a tile in any direction
Charge - Charge in any direction until you hit something

Attack Cards (Red)

Stab - Point your sword in any direction
Thrust - Hit the tile in front of your sword, and return to your original position
Spin - Hit all adjacent tiles

Utility Cards (Yellow)

Idle - Stay stationary for a turn
Swap - Swap positions with any enemy over land
Rewind - Rewind your last played card

There are 50 levels, so don't feel like you have to beat all of them. The game also auto-saves, so you can continue where you left off.
Here's the link: https:alanxoc3.itch.iostabby-crabby
alanxoc3 did the code (me).
greatcadet did the sfxgfx (this guy: https:www.instagram.comcadendrawsstuff).

License: -

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