
ludumdare page : https:ldjam.comeventsludum-dare47soulbound
--- STORY ---
The HilFord Brothers are famous archeologists : Clarence is a successfull businessman and he raises founds for his big brother's expeditions.
You're playing as Wellington Hilford and you must find the legendary soul gem, known for giving to his owner the potential to bend space.
--- CONTROL ---
(zc) : jump
(xv) : attacktalkreadtake
(leftright) : move around
(down) : drop object ( you can't attack or walljump while you hold an item )
--- GOALS ---

Open the entrance of the temple.
Find the treasure rooom.
Take the gem.
Leave the temple.
Give the gem to Clarence Hillford.

There's a way to save progression and restore hearts.
You can go back to your last checkpoint by selecting 'retry' in the pause menu ( ENTER key )
! Restart the game will erase your checkpoint ( not enough time to code save storage )
Some riddles are tricky.
Here's a video to help you out : https:youtu.beDnNdUEiaFC8

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