Solid Rogue

Hi everyone! This is my first post and my first game made with PICO-8.
This is Solid Rogue, a 'coffeebreak' roguelike where you play as Badger, a stealth operative who has just stolen plans for the bipedal nuclear weapon known as Rogue Gear! Help Badger climb 20 stories of a bad-guy infested facility to freedom!
I had originally planned for Solid Rogue to be part of the 2021 seven day roguelike challenge, having spent what free time I had the weeks before learning the ins and outs of PICO-8 from the amazing PICO-8 rogulike tutorial series by LazyDevs (specifically Krystman, the creator of Porklike). Unfortunately, with a new job and some personal duties I was unable to have a playable game before the end of the jam. I decided instead to spend a few more weeks jamming and this is what came of it.

Up, down, left, right to move one space (when you move, enemies move too)
Move into enemies to knock them out for a short time
Tap X to pass a turn
Hold Z and tap a direction to peek ahead one space (you can pass turns while peeking too)
While peeking, tap the direction again to dash two spaces (dashing uses stamina which is refilled at every new floor
Hint: bumping into walls or stepping on grates makes noise!

I hope you enjoy!
-Mike (HeHim)
Version History
4.14.2021 - uploaded game
4.14.2021 - added faster reload after death and a manual 'restart game' to the PICO-8 menu

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