Snowman Builder

Snowman Builder
We're decidedly into the snowy part of the year, so here's a little cart to celebrate the winter cheer!
The outside cold you need not fear, for you can decorate a snowman from right here!
Keyboard (Default)
Arrows: Move
Z: GrabPlace
X: RotateCycle Colors
Mouse (Enabled from pause menu)
Left Click: GrabPlace
Right Click: RotateCycle Colors
Switching Control Modes: The cart will automatically switch to Keyboard or Mouse control when you use an arrow key or click, respectively. You can also switch between control modes from the pause menu. The cart will default to Keyboard control.
Moving Pieces: In both Mouse and Keyboard modes, Snowman Builder supports both click-to-grab and drag-and-drop methods for moving and placing items! If you clickpress and release the grab button quickly the object will be held until you click again, or if you hold the button down it will be released when you let go instead.
Photo Mode: This hides the UI, making it easy to take a screenshot of your snowman! It does not take a photo on its own, unfortunately.
Music: You can mute and play the music from the pause menu.
I made this little interactive toy for the 2019 PICO-8 Advent Calendar. Check out the full calendar here!
All code and assets are my own work.
And if you'd like to see more stuff that I do, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_
Post your creations below!
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