Sing Song Orbit

This is a game I made for a 72 hour Game Jam on itch. The theme of the game jam was 'music' with the limitation being 'gravity is under your control'. People seemed to like it, so I thought I should post it here as well.
At each of the large planets there is an alien that sings a tune. By playing the tune correctly you earn a new ability that will help you get to other planets. If you complete all 4 songs you can finish the game by visiting the final large planet. There are also optional pick-ups to collect.
I actually have a handful of unpublished Pico-8 games as well, but I'll space them out so they get some room to breath and don't clog up the BBS.
EDIT: Here is some missing instructions about the music part. In music playing mode the arrow keys become music keys, with each of them representing one tone. If you hold X while in music mode, the arrow keys will shift up 4 tones to complete the octave. Whenever you press or release the X key the shift will wait for you to change which key you're pressing before shifting.

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