Sieur Lacassagne dungeon 1.1

Sieur Lacassagne dungeon
Sieur Lacassagne dungeon is a retro Pico8 game made during the #devtober month (october).
Github right there
Special thanks to this awesome musician that licensed is music under the Creative Commons.
Track is Dungeon from Pico8 Tunes Volume 1 made by [Gruber]( https:twitter.comgruber_music)
Post mortem #devtober 2019
Ah October, month of spookiness and for month long hashtag challenge like #devtober. For those who are not aware of what #devtober is, it's a challenge created by ThisIsEllian and it the same thing as #inktober except you work on your game every day of October instead of your drawing. They are three simples rules

Work an on a game you made (doesn't matter if it's a work in progress or a new game)
Post on the #devtover hashtag on twitter your daily progress
Write a post mortem on the 31st of October

You can found more details here
I found the concept awesome, so I decide to give it a try. I began my journey on the 6th (a little bit late I know) and manage to create my own little game in less than a month. I added my 'own' restrictions to make the challenge more exiting to me:

It must be a new game
It must be created with something that I have never work with
All art must be created by myself

That's how I ended up working and discovering the fabulous Pico 8 fantasy console and Lua at the same time. I decided to not be too crazy by choosing to make a 2D platformer. I wanted something fast, simple and fun. So Pico 8's old school restrictions were perfect for me.
That how Sieur Lacassagne Dungeon was created.

State of the project
I can call it a 'success'. The game is fully playable, has a solid 60 fps, does seem to be too much buggy and even got some great music (credit Gruber). Code seems to be 'good', at least, good for someone that wrote his first line of Lua three weeks ago.
But it misses some features that I co

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