Scraps Logic

Scraps Logic
Use logic circuits to resolve open-ended puzzle in a post-capitalist society.
How to play :
⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ or mouse to move the cursor.
❎ or left click to grab or drop a module or a cable:

❎ or left click on a socket to plug or unplug a cable :

?️ or right click to remove the module or cable currently held :

You can access the tutorial at anytime during a puzzle using the pause menu.
Truth Table and Cheat Sheet :

AND : Output 1 if both inputs are 1.
OR : Output 1 if any input is 1.
XOR : Output 1 if both inputs are different.
SIGN SPLT : Split the signal in two.
NOT : Invert the signal.
MUX : if S is 0, output A, else output B.
DMUX: if S is 0, Output A to Y, else, output A to Z.
Postmortem :

After making a code snippet for hanging cables using Bézier curve, I wanted to make a game around it and started to draw a mockup on The Gimp to see it how it would fit on the PICO-8 :

and started implementing a crude prototype :

and slowly modeled it to look like the mockup :

I wanted to tie the puzzles together with a small story, using a short introductive text for each one of them, with the whole text contained in a single screen (± 320 chars).
In retrospect, this self-imposed limitation was too constraining, making really hard to fit both the puzzle explanation and the narrative justification inside such a small space.
It's also the first project where I hit the token limit, and it was mostly due to lack of planning and the code evolving into a weird mess, but it's a valuable lesson for next time.
Wanted to keep the game simple, I didn't add flip-flop, but I will add them if I ever do a sequel, they open-up so much possibility for interesting puzzle that I kinda regret not adding them here.
Thanks to A Mysterious Playtester, Eeooty, Heracleum, Merwok, Minerobber, Ohhcurtains, SoundsDotZip (and his friend, 'A Windows Boi'), SquidLight and T

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