
Quick start

Download the pw_renoiser-x.p8.png cartridge
Place it in the same folder as the cartridges you want to edit
In PICO-8, go to that folder using cd in the command line interface
load pw_renoiser-x.p8.png

Song graph view

In the song graph view (keyboard 'q') you can see all the songs in a cartridge, which patterns are in which songs and the loop points. You can also see which sfxs are used by the song, both the actual sfx but also which sfxs are used as instruments in the song.

change selected song (joystick updown)
listen to song (joystick ❎ or left click on a pattern)
copy a song (keyboard 'c')
paste a song (keyboard 'b')
delete a song (keyboard 'd')
swap two sfxs (right click two sfxs)

Sound effects have four different background colours in this view

green background means that the sound effect is used as an instrument in the selected song
purple background means that the sound effect is used by a pattern in the selected song
blue background means that the sound effect is used by a pattern, but bot the selected song
brown background means that the sound effect has notes but is not used by any pattern (might still be used from code)

Patterns view

In the pattern view (keyboard 'w') you see all the patterns in the cartridge all at once. Hover the mouse over a pattern to see which sfxs that pattern use. In here you can

copy a song (keyboard 'c')
paste a copied song (keyboard 'b')
delete a song (keyboard 'd')
move a song (keyboard + and -)

The patterns have three different colours in this view

blue means that the pattern is a part of a song
light blue means that the pattern is a part of the selected song
dark blue means that the pattern doesn't have any sfxs and is not considered a part of a song

Sound effects view

In the sound effects view (keyboard 'e') you see all the sound effects in the cartridge.
In this

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