Quest for the Book of Truth

Quest for the Book of Truth
A Zelda-inspired adventure for PICO-8!
How to play
Once the game is started, your character can be moved around the screen using the arrow keys.
The Z key will use the item shown in the top-right of the screen. You will start with a sword, but you will need to find other items in order to complete the game.
Pressing the X key will open a menu which shows the name of your current item. Once you have obtained other items, you can switch which one is being used by pressing the up and down arrows. Press the Z or X key to close the menu and continue playing.

To complete the game, you will need to obtain the Book of Truth. In order to do this, you will need to explore the game's world and find useful tools.
You will need to find multiple items in order to reach the Book of Truth. Below are some of the items you will be able to find.
You may find other items during your adventure. It's down to you to figure out how to use them!
You start the game with this item. It's a good weapon for dealing with enemies. You can even swing it while moving!
Bow and Arrows
This item can be used to attack enemies from a distance. If you hold the button down, you can move around before you shoot the arrow. It can also be used to hit switches from further away. You won't ever run out of arrows, so you can use as many as you like.
This item can be used to break cracked rocks. It's also a powerful weapon! A bomb will explode a short while after it is placed. You won't ever run out of bombs, but you will need to wait a little bit after using one before you can place another. It's not possible to hurt yourself with a bomb, so there's no need worry about that.
Teleport Rod
This magical item will teleport you to its tip when you release the button. It is not possible to teleport into solid objects. An image will appear when you hold the button down to show you where you will warp t

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