Propulsion - a physics-puzzle-platformer

This is actually a remake of a Flash game I made back in 2011-2012, which you can play here. I even remade the original music in glorious 4-channel chiptune (I got the original music from the Newgrounds Audio Portal and it's since been deleted. Wish I could find the original artist!)
I made a post before about porting a physics library called bump to PICO-8; this is the first project I've made using it in earnest. I mentioned concerns in that thread about token pressure from including the library. In the end, the greatest strain on token count was representing levels in code (the game doesn't actually run while unminified); I had to get creative with string encoding and other tricks to make it all fit (81918192 tokens!). I wrote a pretty ropey python script for converting multiple Tiled tmx files into generated lua code (you can find the script here). I encoded the tiles as PICO-8-compatible hex strings (this meant that the data just needed to be copied into a reserved section of the map when loading a level); the rest was encoded as structures of entity types, co-ordinates and properties (e.g. switch colours, platform directions).

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