Poke the Mongo


Encounter humans and evade capture - you gain STAMINA and they gain FRUSTRATION
Gain more STAMINA by finding candy
When STAMINA is high USE LIGHTNING to FRUSTRATE all the humans at once
Humans will QUIT when FRUSTRATION is high
When all humans QUIT, you win!
When STAMINA runs out, you lose!

You are Poke, the Mongo: Trickster spirit, consort of Lightning and Thunder.
For seasons uncounted, you have abided unseen among the bright mammals. On occasion, you've lent a jolt of inspiration where it amused you. But to your dismay, the primates learned to perceive and capture your sibling spirits. They harnessed your aspects in spark & wire to commit their crimes.
There is hope: These children are not patient. Given enough resistance, they abandon this game for another.
So, the duty is yours: Struggle against artifacts made from your own nature. Frustrate the monkeys until they set aside their toys. Free your brothers and sisters.
Update (v1.0): I've been working on this long enough - let's call it 1.0! Helpful message when Lightning is ready. New animated screens for defeat and victory!
Update (v0.10): Been slacking, but here are a couple of bars of music for the dodgeball mini-game.
Update (v0.9): Added sound effects and a little music. Came up with a short cover version of the walking music.
Update (v0.8): A whole bunch of things! Clouds, weather, THUNDER ANNOYANCE on button press when stamina is full. Candy to fill stamina! Much larger town map! Mongovision[tm] to find baddies!
Update (v0.4): Now you can bounce the ball back at the baddie for an extra stamina heal bonus - hit UP just before it captures you, but not too early! Baddies shake more vigorously in frustration. A few damage values have been tweaked to make things just a bit easier.
Update (v0.3): Dodge ball encounter is harder - now you have to dodge side-to-side and duck! Frustration meter removed and replaced with salty

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