Pico-Tron v1.1

Stage 21 contains full-screen strobe effects.
Pico-Tron is my second Pico-8 game, and is an homage to the arcade classic Robotron, with a few extra twists added. Battle your way through 21 stages of chaos and destroy the evil genius Eugene!
Press to move your super destruction robot around the screen. Tap to rotate shot anti-clockwise, tap to rotate shot clockwise.
Collect These Things

Destroy These Things


Keep moving! It's easier for enemy homing shots to hit you if you're not moving.
Prioritise the most deadly enemy types on each stage.
Keep your distance from fast enemies that move unpredictably.
A bonus is awarded on each stage if you collect all innocents before destroying a single enemy.
To score high, you need to quickly eliminate the enemy that destroys the innocents.
If you focus only on score, the game will be much more difficult!

Downloads for Windows, Linux, OSX, and Raspberry Pi can be found on my itch.io page:
Below is a video of the game being completed that might be useful for anyone needing gameplay tips. WARNING! flashing strobe effects on stage 21!

v1.0 - Initial release
v1.1 - Fixed a bug where high score wasn't saved if player completes the game.

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