Pico Tetris v1.1

Another Tetris clone, I know :P
I managed to squeeze in an extra mode, take a look if you want!
Why are you reading this, it's Tetris, you probably already know how it works
Anyways, this clone is guideline-compliant in large parts (except where the guideline is boring or confusing to me), including Standard Rotation System and kicks. It has a steep difficulty curve, and a lot of options to adjust gameplay, animations, or Tetromino sprites (I have 16 now!).
I implemented 9 different modes, and up to 3 highscores are automatically saved per mode (options are also automatically saved btw)
If that description was too dry and boring (writing it wasn't much fun either, so I understand you), it also has lasers and poorly drawn donuts, what more could you want from a game?

Thanks to @Actually_Ed and @DavidMazarro for some great ideas!

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