Pico Tennis
by paranoidcactus
Tennis is War
Tennis Open 2020
Fast Tennis
Tennis Open 2022
Tennis Open 2021
Crazy Tennis
Ping Pong Goal
The Violet Signal - A Boss Only SHMUP
Pico Image Morph 2000
Pico Slides 1.0
Polygon Drawing Method
Real Tennis Game
Emma Foot Treatment
Ping Pong
Pico-8 Word Processor (Now with Virtual Keyboard)
Saint Nick's Dash Away All!
Pico Tanks
PICO-CRATE cute lil puzzle platformer
Pico Castle 1.5
Brick Breaker
Forgotten Hill Pico
Rabbit Zombie Defense
Just Another Pong
Atari Pong
Pico Lake
Solid Rogue
Repuzzle - a Pico-8 Coding Puzzle Game
Ursa Maior
Happy Challah Days!
Thunder Blade (well level 1 at least...)
Defy PCM Boombox and Audio String Library
Not Enough - Ludum Dare 47
Shoot Rock (PICO-1k)
Operation Pico
Dance Santa Revolution
Star Trek conversion of the 1978 game
Pico Fox
Pico Dino - Chrome's T-rex game reimagined
Desert Lead 3D
Picodex - A Pokemon Battle Sim
Tiny Animator
Pico Froggo Hop Across the Seasons
Top-Down Starter Tileset
Pico Tennis
Play against AI or with up to 4 players.
Z to hit the ball. To hit the ball in different directions you need to hit it when it's off to your side. So the further to your right the ball is when you hit it the more it will go left.
X to do a power shot. Whenever you return the ball during a rally you will build up power. You can do a power shot anytime you have power in your meter, but the more it builds up the faster your shot will be.