PICORIUS (demake of DARIUS boss rush)

About this game

This is a demake of DARIUS, TAITO. Boss rush mode is implemented and 11 bosses, all of the DARIUS bosses appear and you fight them continuously.
I made this game to feel 'Wow, looks like 3 screen DARIUS when seen from a distance!'.
I didn't make this as a perfect clone. There are many differences from the original game.

How to play
Start the game and enter select panel.

Select mode: EASY or HARD.
Select zone to start: A-Z.

When you select EASY, player doesn't get damaged. In this mode, you can enjoy a tour of all bosses of DARIUS and 'EASY' is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
When you select HARD, collision detenction of the player is enabled. Anyway, the player doesn't get damaged by hitting against the outer walls.

D-PadArrows: move player
OZ: shoot bullets
OX: ground attack


When player miss, next player appears soon without restarting the stage.
When you defeat a boss, the barrier recovers (HP: 3) and the equipment is upgraded automatically. The player's equipment is fixed for each of zones.
The bosses are roughly implemented. The original pattern does not work.
The collision judgement of the player is lenient but dodging bullets in this low resolution screen is tough.
Digits of score is few. Breaking a part earns 300 points. Defeating a boss earns 1000 points. There is a special feature: breaking drill missile of GREAT THING earns 1000 points, same as defeating a boss. You can earn many points by breaking drill missiles but it is so hard.

Change history



Renamed from 'picoDARIUS' to 'PICORIUS', because I thought this game should not be named 'DARIUS' same as the original game.
Player's equipment 'TWIN' is fixed to shoot bombs to upward and downward.

License: -

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