
You are one big monster with a thirst for destruction. This quick turn-based roguelike PICO-8 game is all about stomping, smashing, grabbing, and chomping your way through a procedurally generated hapless city and its tiny citizens.
Also available at itch.io

D-pad (arrow keys), move the Kaiju by one tile
O button (Z, N, C), ROAR
X button (X, M, V), Open abilities menu

The mobs will move once you perform an action (movement, roars and abilities).
Score tracker at the bottom right shows 'current points''points until next powerup'.
Mobs have a chance to spawn every other turn (except for civilians) and the max count is based on your kaiju's destruction.

Spawn every turn. Scared and immobile protein shakes.
Cop Car
Deals 1 DMG. Range 1 tile in all 8 directions. Protein shake in a can.
Same as Cop Car but flies over buildings except for tall ones.
Deals 2 DMG. Range 5 tiles and shoots only in cardinal directions (Up, Left, Down, Right).
Mad Scientist (UFO)
Same as Copter but also adds 1 Poison DMG per turn. There is no antidote.


To regain energy, first select GRAB in the abilities menu and select a mob to grab, then select CHOMP in the abilities menu to eat the mob.
To regain health, use the ROAR button.
Points are multiplied by a combo meter. Combo increases if you do several destructions in a row and resets on no destruction. CHOMP will also increase the combo meter.
All mobs may be grabbed and walked on. Even the helicopters and the mysterious mad scientist.

License: -

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