Pico Illustrator v2.0.0

PICO Illustrator v2.0.0
A tool to create vector artwork in PICO-8
Updates in v2.0.0
Added support for dithering patterns

X + Click : Insert Vertex | Will try to find the nearest side of the path you're editing and insert in the middle.
A + Click : Append Vertex | Will append a new vertex either to the end or beginning of a path, whichever is closest.
Z + Click : Delete Vertex | Will delete whichever vertex you are hovering over
Shift + D + Click : Duplicate Path | Will duplicate the path you are editing
Shift + F + Click : Duplicate Layer | Will duplicate the entire layer you are editing
Arrow : Move Path | Will translate the path you are editing in the direction you press.
Shift + Arrow : Move Layer | Will move the entire layer you are editing
Tab : Move to next path | Will leave the current path and go to the next. If you hit the last path in a layer, it will jump to the next layer.
Saving and Loading
There are import and export options on the opening screen. Exporting will save your project in text, which you can paste into a text file to hold on to. Importing requires that you paste a project string into the import page.
Example Project
To see an example project, copy this text and paste it into the import page:

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