Pico Fox

Fly your Arwing to victory in this demake of a certain, iconic SNES game.
Arrow Keys: Move ship, Select level in title screen
zo: Fire
Filled 3D polygon graphics-- reminiscent of SuperFX chip
3 levels -- select with left or right on the title screen
2 enemy types
Special thanks:
Star Fox Cornerea music sequenced by PJBarnes.com (http:www.khinsider.commidisnesstarfox) and imported using kittenm4ster's midi to pico-8 tracker translator (https:github.comandmatandmidi-to-pico8)

I finished this game with our three week old son sitting in my lap. I guess this is one our first father-son activities together--kinda sweet in a very nerdy way. Perhaps his first words will be in Lua.
Let me know if you would be interested in a cleaned up version of the 3D library that I put together for this project.

License: -

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