
Welcome to PICOCRAFT, a Minecraft demake with extra features! This is my second finished PICO-8 cartridge. If there's features you would like to see in this or bugs that you find, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment! I hope you like this. :)
1302022: v1.17.1 Fixed Destroyer bug where they weren't destroying the blocks above them (it was destroying the block above the player, oops).
12152021: v1.17 Added Bombs, DBombs (Destroyer Bombs), and made those damage you in Health mode if you're too close. (This will probably be the final major 1.x update, since I hit the token limit while coding this. Still, I'm proud of how far I've come with this!)
12112021: v1.16 Fixed mining air playing the mining sound in creative mode, added coordinate overlay (in pause menu), added Health gamemode (don't fall too far!), and saving the gamemode. (To convert a prior save to this version, append '#1#1' to the end.)
12102021: v1.15 Gamemode selection updated, weak mode added (no placingbreaking blocks), creative mode updated (break blocks instantly with your fist).
1292021: v1.14 Conveyer-Springs added!
1282021: v1.13 Orbs now stack (2x Speed Orb --> 2x the speed!) and work when placed in the world, and the OMNITOOL has been added -- a combo of the three main tools.
1242021: v1.12 Added Creative Mode, accessible through the pause menu!
1232021: v1.11 Added Orbs, vertical Movers, and made it so that mining Movers or open Doors give you the default version of themselves (e.g. open Doors give closed ones).
1222021: v1.10.2 Fixed A BUNCH OF FEATURES NOT EXISTING (see below changelog for why).
1222021: v1.10.1 Fixed max craftingsmelting not EXISTING WHAT
1222021: v1.10 Changed controls from ESDF to WASD! YAY!!
11302021: v1.9 Added skin chooser in pause menu! (To convert a prior save to this version, append '#1' to the end.)
11282021: v1.8 Fixed buggy box moving, and added color blocks!
11282021: v1.7 Added max craft

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