Paint a Char

Creating and exporting
Paint your desired character and send to the clipboard using 'c' button.
Select the type of output desired being Hexadecimal string or Binary String.
Press 'x' to clear and start new.
Import hex codes to verify how they look, or edit them further.
To import a hex code:

Set Paint a Char to receive hex from clipboard
Copy the 16 digit hex code you want to import
Paste (e.g. ctrl-v) the value in to the app

The import will not work if you don't past the value into the app first

Press 'OC' to import the value

You should now see that hex code's rendered one-time character.
Only importing hex codes is supported at this time.
General Info
Use the output of this cart for creating one-off characters in your PICO-8 projects.
For binary encoded string you prefix the value with: '^.'
For hexadecimal string you prefix the value with: '^:'
example cat (hex): print('^:447cb67c3e7f0106')
example cat (bin): print('^.$|へ|>○¹⁶')
Known issues
The binary output to the clipboard may not working correctly. There is an issue with the one-off character feature when a binary encoded string ends in a 0. In this condition, nothing renders. If the last line in your character is blank, I suggest you use hex output for now for that character. A bug report has been open here
**NOTE: This issue has been corrected in v0.2.4b
Version Information

v1 (30Dec21)

Initial Release

v2 (31Dec21)

Add import functionality
Change layout per feedback

v2.1 (31Dec21)

Update instruction wording

v2.2 (1Jan22)

Additional check for invalid imported hex value

v2.3 (8Feb22)

Exports control character with value

v2.4 (11Feb22)

?‍♂️forgot to escape the control character

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