Oracles Inn

Oracle's Inn
Welcome to my potion shoppe ! I'm glad to have you here . However, I can sense dark waters in your future. I know just the ingredients…

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Somehow it looks like every customer that enters your potion shoppe is cursed with a terrible fate ! Perhaps conveniently ( or unfortunately ) you know remember the ingredients for just the right potion ! ...or at least you think you remember
Over the course of a regular 9-5 you'll be shown the cruel fates your customers will suffer . Quickly brew up a potion to give them a new lease on life , and be home just in time for tea ! The only problem is , all the ingredients are unlabeled , so you might have to stumble into the correct concoctions.. or not ! if they end up dying you still got paid !

Behind The Scenes
Oracle's Inn was produced in 72hrs during MiniJam112:Crono by Yolwoocle and Louie Chapman. The limitation for this jam was 'three buttons' and the combination of limitation theme proved frustrating enough before we had really decided on an idea ! We're both really happy with how it turned out though . I think it's got some of the best music I've made in Pico8 within it , and the cover art by Yolwoocle is gorgeous !
Thanks for reading !

Louie Chapman - Twitter |
Yolwoocle - Twitter |

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