Mystic Realm Dizzy

~ Story: ~
Oh no! Zaks the evil wizard has once again captured Dizzy's girlfriend, Daisy! And the other yolkfolk need help too, looks like another adventure for Dizzy!
~ Controls: ~
[ Left ][ Right ] - Move
[ Z ] - Jump
[ Down ] - Drop from ledge
[ Up ] - Cycle through inventory
[ X ] - Interactpick up itemdrop item
~ Music: ~
Huge thanks to @gruber_music for making a brilliant pico-8 version of the Amiga Magicland Dizzy theme :D
~ About: ~
I wanted there to be a Dizzy game for Pico-8, so now there is! Heads up though; I've tried to be faithful to the classic Dizzy games - that means limited lives, rubbish platforming, cheesy dialogue and a kidnapped damsel.
Obviously this is a fan project and not an official dizzy game, they don't make those anymore :(
~ Changelog: ~
beta1: First Release
beta2: Added music & minor fixes
1.0: Animated water

License: -

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