Meta Tic-Tac-Toe

Arrows to move cursor
X to place markgo level deeper
Hold Z for 1 second to restart game
Press Z to recreate demo in demo modes
Open pause menu (EnterP) to:

enable demo modes (auto - computer vs computer, fill - random pattern)
switch between single and multiplayer
open settings menu (this will restart the game!)

Settings in settings menu:

meta level: ranges from 1 (normal tic-tac-toe) to 4 (81x81, four levels of nested boards)
AI difficulty: how long in seconds will the AI think about the move. 0 is random moves, 3 never loses normal tic-tac-toe.
game modes: singleplayer, multiplayer, automatic (AI vs AI) or randomly fill board.

Each board contains 9 a smaller boards. The lowest meta boards are just normal tic-tac-toe boards where you can place your signs. Where you move in the lowest board controls on which higher board your oponent can make their next move (indicated by the colored squares). Winning a lower board replaces it with a sign in a higher board. Win the highest board to win the game.
If you didn't understand that's my fault, I suck at explanations. Try it for yourself at small meta levels, it's not as complicated as it seems.
Version 1.6:

4th meta level
settings menu
endgame sonuds
changed AI

Previous versions:

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