Just Push the Button

Digging up old Pico-8 jam games that were only on itch.io. This one was made for the Meta Game Jam 2018.
All you have to do is just push the button. It should be easy, although it's been a long time I didn't do it myself, so who knows? For example, the mouse no longer worked and I had to quickly patch keyboard to control pointer. Just use arrow keys, X and C. Hope I didn't mess things up. Coding is strange: you let everything for a while and when you're back, it's like functions have started a life of their own and nothing works like it used to be. Oh well.
The game runs at 60 fps, which is a bit demanding for the web player. For a better experience it is recommended you run it on Pico-8 (download the p8.png or just enter 'load #justpushthebutton') or download the game executables from https:elgregos.itch.iojust-push-the-button.
Have fun!

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