Isometric Spellcrafter

Here's the first public version of my spellcraftingspellcasting game. It's more of a demosandbox right now, with enemies and challenged on the way.
The spellcrafting system consists of spell types and spell shapes. The type can be thought of as the element, and changes the effect of the spell. The shape is the shape that the spell takes, and influences how much mana it uses. In the future the plan is to add a third category 'modifiers' to allow for even more variation in the spells that are possible.
In the world:
-D pad to move
-Button 1 to cast the spell equipped in your first slot
-Button 2 to cast the spell equipped in your second slot
-Buttons 1&2 simultaneously to open the crafting menu.
In the crafting menu:
-D pad up and down to change between selecting an spell type and a spell shape.
-D pad left and right to change your current selection.
-button 1 or button 2 to select which spell you're modifying.
-Buttons 1&2 simultaneously to close the crafting menu.

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